Current Position (2020-21)
The Official web site of Stedfast Camp Council which was dissolved on 21/22 July 2019
Cessation of Stedfast Camp (21 July 2019)..........
The Stedfast Camp Executive Company Captains cordially and unanimously agreed over this weekend to dissolve the evolved Stedfast Camp Council after a 50 year life span of past and present member Companies.
We hope that former campers will have fond memories of SC and we thank those who have supported this venture over the passing years!
Sandy, Pete & Barbara
Stedfast Camp Executive
(The Constitution, Rules & Regs are now rescinded)
The term and Trade Mark of "Stedfast Camp" has been retained by the original founder Company, 2nd Bath Company who reserves the right to redifine the term and rules of such a camp in a future epoch under the auspices of the 2nd Bath BB Company. Please contact if any BB or GB Companies would like to camp with us in the future beyond 2019 or if you would like our Company to camp with yours during Summer or Autumn in the future.
Peter Fitch
Captain 2nd Bath BB